Life experience always triumph over material possession

Nhat Dang
2 min readAug 25, 2021


That ‘s all I learn in the last 2 years

There are some situations that material wins. Being both poor and rich in the past taught me that poverty sucks and I never really like the idea of getting free money from any organizations. So basic necessities are important. But let ‘s assume that your living standard is better than 10% of the world population who makes less than 2$ a day so that you can relate to this post.

I come from a humble family in an Asian country where my dad and my mom works 9-to-5 jobs to raise me and my brothers. I thinks that because of being poor in the past, I become very obsessed with making money all the time. And I love it for a while. I remember the first time I received a paycheck and immediately spend half of it to buy a cleaning robot for my parents. It feels really great. It ‘s nice to be able to buy a smartphone or laptop by your hard work. But there ‘s something missing, it didn’t feel right for me. I always love traveling with my friends and family but now I found myself saying NO to new experience because of additional paycheck if I can work longer hour.

I don’t know who says this quote but it goes something like this : “Experience does for the soul what book does for the mind”. As I am getting older, most of expensive things that I bought get broken, the sound of my phone when I get my monthly salary does not give me joy anymore but what stuck in my mind is the last time I go backpacking with my family in Malaysia or when my friends taught me how to surf on the beach. If I have to choose between fame, money or experience in the future, I hope that I have the courage to choose experience. Always experience.



Nhat Dang

Obsessed with running, computer architecture and books. Connect with me on Linkedln :