Here ‘s how I managed to work 10 hours a day during the pandemic

Nhat Dang
3 min readJul 14, 2021


Working from home sucks. Everyone assumes that because you stay home then you have more time to work. But that ‘s not the case for me. There are so many distracting things when you work at home. It could be your roommate complaint about how his cat is not eating, dog ‘s barking in the neighborhood, your mom ‘s daily phone call to remind why you should marry by now. By the end of the day, you are both tired and feel unaccomplished at the same time. After two months of remote working, I finally discover the way to become more productive at home and I want to share it with you.

Do-not-disturb environment

Tell everyone that might disturbs you at any moments during your working hour not to disturb you under any circumstances except in emergency situations. What is unimportant situation? .Your roommate could wait until noon or break time to share a funny meme that he found on the internet. If applicable, sharing working room with your roommate should be avoided so that you don’t end up gossiping all day. If necessary you can set up a sign in front of your room like people did in the hotel all the time. I know it sounds extreme but it ‘s the only way to stay focus for me and maybe for you, also.

Timetable is the key

The idea of working in the office is better because it requires you to put your mind into working mode at the same timeline every single day. I know that a lot of people will argue that 9–5 jobs are old-fashioned. But even if you don’t work 9–5 jobs, you usually arrive and leave your office daily in a similar fashion. Being at home in our mind usually means relaxing time. You need to be strict with your timetable. If necessary, you could use the pomodoro timer on the internet (25 working minute- 5 minute break) and try to achieve 20 pomodoro everyday. Make this a daily habit and you will see that 10 working hours is achievable.

Better with Discord

I only use discord with my friends but if you prefer any other apps, you could try this also. Join in a Discord working group or create a group with friends and turn on the camera when you are working. Sometimes, you may feel lazy or unfocused but there are work that needs to be executed. Keeping yourself accountable is important and this is one way to do it. If you ‘re in a meeting, turn the camera on to make sure that you can engage in the conversation and it also helps you express your idea better.

Healthy diet for full energy

When I started working from home, I did notice that I eats more during the day even I don’t have to travel to work daily. Working alone sucks and drains your energy little by little. Make sure that your fridge is full of healthy food all the time so that you can consume it whenever you feel tired. For me, I always keep a variety of fruits like orange or banana in my fridge. Your level of energy is defined by what goes in your mouth. So, avoid all kind of food that has high amount of sugar or saturated fat.

Happy working from home ^^.



Nhat Dang

Obsessed with running, computer architecture and books. Connect with me on Linkedln :